Having to wait in line for more than an hour is not most people’s idea of a good time. 

But Janice and Sherree are all smiles as they wait in the car for their local mobile pantry to open. Both live on a limited budget, and both are super appreciative of the food they’re able to pick up here on a regular basis. 

And they know how to make it s-t-r-e-t-c-h! 

“We don’t believe in wasting any of the food,” says Sherree, who is on disability and lives with her elderly mother. Janice, her neighbor, nods in agreement from the passenger seat. 

“Nothing goes to waste,” Sherree continues. “I mean, what Janice can’t think to make, I can. And vice versa. I can look at a recipe and go, ‘Well, I can replace this with that, and add that to that.’” 

Janice agrees. 

“There’s nothing we can’t use,” she says. “And we always find somebody who needs it if we can’t use it.” 

The friends have crafted dozens of recipes together from the pantry food, including: 

• roasted garlic chicken salad • sauteed bok choy with onion and bacon • chicken enchiladas 

picked green beans with chili peppers and garlic

• chicken dumplings 

Often, Janice and Sherree make enough food to feed family, coworkers, and friends. 

They can’t wait to see what’s in the food box distributed at the pantry. 

“It’s like Christmas every month!” says Janice. “We get giddy!” 

“We’re very, very grateful for this food,” adds Sherree. “It gets pretty tight with our budget. Sometimes we have to choose between prescriptions and food. 

“So this is a lifesaving gift for us!” 

Your support helps put food on the table for those on a limited budget. Thank you!